RFID tags for your media
In order to make the library labeling process as easy as possible, Dialoc ID has developed the library labeling program to increase efficiency.
The program includes a wide range of EM and RFID tags, including CD/DVD RFID tags of different sizes and finishes, for different applications, to secure the ever-growing diversity of materials so that they can circulate safely. The high quality of the label assures you of many years of reliable service. Compact discs (Blu-ray, DVD, CD, CD-ROM) are secured by means of a thin protective film covering the entire surface of the disc, in which an RFID chip is integrated
RFID tags for increased productivity
Libraries can increase productivity by using our special RFID tags, equipped with the NXP Sli-X chip, to identify, record, protect and search all documents.
With Dialoc the library can rely on top quality labels with a great reading distance that will persist throughout the life of the medium.
Book RFID tags are a very important element in the overall solution. The wrong choice of tags can partially cancel an investment. RFID
tags for books
Dialoc ID RFID tags are made from an aluminum antenna that has been developed and optimized for use on or in books to improve the performance of sensing gantries. An NXP Sli-X chip is attached to the antenna. This chip is the most used in the world for this application. Data retention (= ownership of data retention) is considered one of the best and guarantees a long lifespan.
The top of the book label is made of a special material, a material with good hygroscopic properties, so that moisture cannot penetrate the label and reduce the reading distance in the safety gantries.
Each book or document in the library can have a suitable label: printed, multimedia, each element can be recognized and identified separately — and simultaneously — of all the others.
The tag includes an electronic circuit (chip) and a copper antenna (preferably) attached to a strong sticker. It is always possible to cover the labels with an additional protective film, or to insert them into the cover, the proposed labels form a ready-to-use package.