The ILS or our built-in library management system is defined by a Full Web program and its advanced settings are ideal for libraries and learning centers of all sizes.
The ILS or our built-in library management system is defined by a Full Web program and its advanced settings are ideal for libraries and learning centers of all sizes.
Our full web-integrated library and learning centre management system is both full-scale, user-friendly and a real investment in decision-making.
Try it!Another portal for open-source library services. It is the result of a collaboration between a few libraries, developers and suppliers.
Try it!Made in New Zealand in 2000, this free ILS, currently developed by a free community, is available in several hundred libraries.
Try it!No download is required to use the software. In fact, ILS only functions through an Internet connection and a browser, like Chrome or Safari. This allows you to view the OPAC in your library, but also access the professional interface. The ILS is compatible with all browser features.
With a UNIMARC format, enjoy a program that manages web services, Z39.50, SRU and programmed requests thanks to a design that is more connected than ever. Our ILS includes a new generation OPAC characterized by an intuitive interface, convenient features and updated search.
With Koha, enjoy a document circulation module that can do anything. Whether it’s managing countless cases and working methods, your library’s internal rules, or circulation services. ILS is also able to conduct transfers from one site to another.
With updated version 6 of the latest UNIMARC standards, our program is suitable for bibliographies and authorities. It has a cataloguing grid that implements the entire format. Thus, the library is able to put together many cataloging grids.