Borrowing and returning Library Management System
Manual sorting of returned library materials is a tedious and expensive task for libraries. The Ruby Pro sorting system is the ideal solution to automate the return process.
The structure
The Ruby Pro AMH sorting system was developed after ample studies over the years. The system can be equipped with an internal or external Sapphire 24/7 Bookdrop return box. The modular system can be expanded from 2 to 3, 5,7,9 sorting stations, etc… Each position provides room for a bespoke sorting bin, with a movable bottom that descends as the content increases.
This ensures that the fall path of materials is as short as possible to avoid damaging your precious materials. Meanwhile, the lightweight tray can guarantee maximum loading capacity. The braked wheels under the basket guarantee a maximum state of motion.
With Nedap Automatic Sorting solutions, you offer your customers the ability to return library items 24 hours a day. Besides that, this solution will take on monotonous tasks, which a librarian has to do, like handling and sorting library items. All sorting activities will be automated by Nedap handling systems. This will save your staff valuable time. As a result, staff will have time to do more important tasks, such as informing and advising users.
The Outdoor Autosort can easily be integrated into existing exterior walls and allows the customer to quickly return an item. Whenever a client places an item in the mailbox, it automatically recognizes if it belongs to your library, opens its hatch, and checks the item. When it does not recognize the library element as such, the hatch remains closed.